‘LORD, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance’ (Psalm 16:5, 6).
Inheritance is an irrevocable gift and is the sum total of all that has been promised. There is a special relationship between the benefactor and the recipient of the benefit. Much care is taken to protect and preserve one’s inheritance in this world. The boundaries are fenced, land marks are noted, all details are documented and a will is written about it.
The word of God tells us about the inheritances that the Lord has given us. Proverbs 19:14 talks about houses and riches and a prudent wife as inheritance. Psalm 124:3 speaks about children being the heritage of the Lord. All the promises of God are given to us as our inheritance according to Hebrews 6:12. Psalm 37:29 assures the righteous that they will inherit the land.
Blessings are our inheritance as said in 2 Peter 3:9. Proverbs 3:35 guarantees honour and glory as the inheritance of the wise. Mathew 19:29 and Mathew 25:34 promise eternal life and heaven as our inheritances. Just as in this world, men take measures to protect their inheritance, the inheritances given to us by the Lord are guarded and kept safe by the POWER OF GOD. This is explained in the first epistle of Peter, chapter 1 and verses 3-5 which say, ‘ Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fades not away, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.
The term ‘Power of God’ has been translated from a Greek word which implies a military garrison. Just as troops stand around a place to safeguard it, the power of God from heaven shelters our inheritance.
Judges 11 records an incident where the Ammonites who were the enemies of the Israelites went to war against them. The elders of Gilead approached a young mighty man of valour called Jephthah to lead them in the battle. When Jephthah questioned the Ammonites as to why they were fighting to claim their land, the Ammonites argued saying that the land was actually theirs. But Jephthah was well informed about that portion of the land which was the inheritance of his people. Very long ago the Ammonites had occupied that territory, but the Ammorites had taken it from them. And later on when the Ammorites warred against Israel, the Lord gave the Israelites the victory and that jurisdiction came to them (verses15- 24). In fact the Israelites had already settled there for 300 years (verse 26). Jephthah did not fear the challenges of the Ammonites because he knew for sure that, that domain was given to Israel to possess. (Verses 24&27). Jephthah knew with certainty, the borders of his inheritance. It was from Arnon River in the south to Jabbok River in the north; it extended from the river Jordan in the west to the wilderness in the east. (verse 22).
When we lived estranged from God, lost in sin and in the ways of the world, the devil took hold of our inheritance. But when we made the Lord God Almighty, the Saviour and Master of our lives, He snatched away our possessions from the grip of the evil one and has given it to us. However at any point of time in our lives, satan can attack us to take away from us what God has given to us. But the Bible promises that our inheritance is kept by the power of God.
River Arnon in the South
Arnon was a swift flowing, noisy river. It reminds us of the gush of the Holy Spirit as He flows through us with might and power. While on earth, Jesus said that if any one believed on Him, rivers of living waters would flow out of that person. He spoke this about the Holy Spirit, whom they were going to receive later on. (John 7: 37-39). After His resurrection, the Lord Jesus told His disciples to tarry in Jerusalem to receive the Holy Spirit and said that they would receive power when the Holy Ghost came upon them. (Acts 1:8). River Arnon symbolises the power of the Holy Spirit that overflows in a person through the anointing.
River Jabbok in the North
The river Jabbok was a luxuriant river with plenty of water. However it meant, ‘ to be emptied’. It was beside this river that a greatly petrified Jacob knelt down and tarried a whole night alone in prayer. It was here that he interceded for the protection of his entire family and household as he feared that his brother, the long-time hunter of his life was coming to meet him. That night he emptied his life and wrestled in prayer, refusing to let go of the Lord till He blessed him. (Genesis 32: 22-32). The Lord blessed him with a new name, Isaac and exclaimed, ‘ As a prince you have power with God and man’. (Verse 28). This power changed the heart of his murderous brother. Jabbok River reminds us of the power of persistent and persevering prayer till victory is won.
River Jordan in the East
The Jordan is the largest in Palestine, a powerful river overflowing it’s banks in the harvest season. After a long sojourn in the wilderness, the Israelites encamped on the plains of Jordan. As their leader Joshua wondered how he and his people were going to cross over the flooded river, the Lord spoke through Joshua to the people to sanctify themselves so that His wonders would be revealed among them. The following day as the priests bearing the ark of God stepped into the river, the waters that flowed downward from above stood still as a heap and all the Israelites passed over on dry ground. (Joshua 3: 1- 17). The experience of sanctification resulted in a supernatural occurrence. Later when Joshua spoke about this phenomenal event, he remarked saying that the Lord had performed this wonder in order that the people of the earth might know that the hand of the Lord was mighty, powerful. Thus Jordan River is a sign of the power of God that is manifest when the people of God sanctify themselves.
Wilderness in the West
The wilderness that formed the western boundary of this inheritance was a great and terrible desert (Deuteronomy 32:10). It was a full of fiery serpents and scorpions, dry and without water. (Deuteronomy 8:15). It was a waste and howling wilderness. But through this barren land, the Lord did marvelous things for His people. (Psalm 78:12). Psalm 106: 8 days that He saved them for His name’s sake that He might make His mighty power known. Wilderness life is a life of hardships and trials but as we look to Christ for every need, it is the place where the Lord makes known His mighty power.
Whatever has been given to us by the Lord as our inheritance is protected by these boundaries such as the Arnon, the Jabbok, the Jordan and the Wilderness. Our inheritance is kept by the power of God released at these frontiers. The power of God is released through the anointing of the Holy Spirit, purposeful prayer with perseverance, life of sanctification and the experience of leaning on and trusting wholly upon Jesus for every fiery challenge.
Judges chapter 11 describes Jephthah as a mighty man of valour (verse 1). He had the right knowledge of his inheritance and well knew the boundaries of his inheritance (verses 14-22). He knew with certainty in his heart that the inheritance was given by the Lord (verses 23-24). He was full of faith that the Lord would do him justice in the matter of his inheritance (verse 27). The Spirit of God filled him mightily as he strived for his inheritance (verse 29). He knew beyond doubt that the Lord who had given the inheritance was keeping it safe by His power. Therefore the Lord was with him and gave him the victory over the Ammonites who challenged him.
It is because of the sacrifice of Jesus that we have been given all our inheritances as free gifts. Romans 8:17 says, ‘And if we are His children, then we are His heirs also: heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ (sharing His spiritual blessing and inheritance)….’
Colossians 3:24 says, ‘Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ’. Dear child of God, know your inheritance! The devil will try to steal your rights at any phase of your life. Remember always that your heritage is being secured by the power of God. The mighty power of God is released through the anointing of God on your life, your ceaseless prayers, your life of sanctification and your utter dependence on the Lord through all the distress you face! These experiences are like security troops guarding our territories. Like Jephthah, keep advancing in life in faith, knowing that whom you have believed is able to keep to the end all that you have entrusted to Him.
The scepter of the wicked will not remain over the land allotted to the righteous. Psalm 125:3